By | April 23, 2009
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Dear Governor Schwarzenegger –

As you know, Miss California USA had a rough time over the weekend with the task of representing Californians as being welcoming tolerant folk. Yesterday morning, we found out that she has a sister, a second lieutenant in the Air Force, who is a gay rights activist,

Carrie Prejean told Billy Bush yesterday that, “No. She supports gay people, she supports gay marriage. My beliefs have nothing to do with my sister or my mom, or whatever.”

Like Pete Knight, who hated his son so much that he put together Proposition 22 to try to make it impossible for him to ever marry in this state, Miss California has her own opinions and doesn’t seem to care if they hurt her sister, her fellow Californians, or even me.

“No offense to anybody out there, but that’s how I was raised and that’s how I think it should be between a man and a woman. Thank you very much.”

I was similarly sad when Californians passed Proposition 8, and when you vetoed AB 43, the bill that would have avoided all this roughage by laying it out plain and simple, that “Freedom means Freedom for everybody.”

I wish you would send the right message, that Californians believe in a small and distant government that doesn’t tell us how to live our lives, instead of what Ms. Prejean represents: a selfish denial of dignity and respect.


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