Senator Jack Scott
State Capitol
Room 2082
Sacramento, CA 94248-0001
Dear Senator Scott –
Like you, I’m a parent and a taxpayer in California, and I believe that all California couples deserve the freedom to be married.
The Senate is shortly going to consider AB 43, the Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage Protection Act. I know that you support this bill, but I’m writing to you as your constituent to thank you for your support and ask you to get your colleagues to support it as well.
The Governor has said that he will veto this bill. Because this issue is so important to me and my family, I have been writing a letter to him every day since July 12 to ask him to sign it instead.
I have enclosed a couple of my favorite letters, but they are all posted on my Web site, Could you please talk to your colleagues about this and ask them to read some of my letters?
Freedom is an issue that spans party lines, and this bill will not only provide our same-sex couples the freedom to marry, it will also let the Churches that support them to perform the ceremony. The California Legislature and Jerry Brown changed the law to exclude lesbian and gay families in 1977; the legislature and Arnold Schwarzenegger can reverse it in 2007.
If you can think of anything I can do to help you advance this issue, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Many thanks,