Dear Los Angeles Times –
I’m getting tired of hearing the Governor use a seven-year old referendum about foreign marriage to justify a modern-day apartheid.
The polls put marriage one point ahead of banning it (46% to 45%) about double George W. Bush’s approval. AB 43 passed the Senate with three more votes than last time through – legislators don’t vote this way without their constituents’ support. And Proposition 22 wasn’t even about marriage in California! “Two persons” language was changed to carve out same-sex couples from marriage by the legislature in 1977 and signed by current-Attorney General-then-Governor Jerry Brown. What the legislature broke, the legislature can fix – it has nothing to do with 22.
LGBT families have worked hard to tell the truth about themselves and their community. They deserve better than a Governor that uses lies about Proposition 22 to unilaterally legislate who they can love and who they can marry.
P.S. I have written a letter to Governor Schwarzenegger every day since July 12; I post them online at and read them on YouTube.