By | June 4, 2009
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Dear Governor Schwarzenegger –

Dr. James Dobson’s latest campaign is titled “Dr. James Dobson offers encouragement to parents of teens.”

This is a lie.

Dr. James Dobson offers only a promise to parents that their children will be brutalized to suicide if they are perceived to be gay, and to gay parents that both they and their children are “deviant” and the cause of every American woe, from Hurricane Katrina to 9/11.

Dr. Dobson claims that heterosexual marriage rates have dropped in countries that allow same-sex couples to marry, and this is destroying civilization. In fact, Denmark’s marriage rate has increased 10.7% ten years after same-sex marriage became legal, 12.7% in Norway, 28.7% in Sweden. Over the same time, divorce dropped 14% in Denmark, 6% in Norway and 14% in Sweden. Dr. Dobson is a liar.

Dr. Dobson’s “Focus on the Family” ministry lies, and spreads those lies with hate mail that comes into my mailbox. If Focus on the Family were a company, they would be held accountable for the suicides they cause and the families that they destroy. If Focus on the Family were a company, they would be punished by our Attorney General for openly lying about the product they are selling.

Today’s mailing was selling magazines for teenagers that spread Dr. Dobson’s lies and hate. The harm they cause is undeniable. Hate is taught, and Dr. Dobson is teaching it.

Governor, I wish you would ask your Attorney General to investigate this organization and see if there is a way to get them to stop sending deceptive advertising to California’s mailboxes.

Thank you,

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