By | November 5, 2007
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Senator Dianne Feinstein
11111 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 915
Los Angeles, CA 90025

November 5, 2007

RE: Senate Judiciary Committee Endorsement of Leslie Southwick

Dear Senator Feinstein:

I wrote to you in August about the nomination of Leslie Southwick to the 5th Circuit and your role on the Senate Judiciary Committee. Thank you for your kind reply. In it you wrote that a candidate “should be able to demonstrate a commitment to applying the law fairly and impartially” and mentioned his volunteer tour in Iraq.

Tell me what application of law lets a judge “fairly and impartially” take away
a woman’s 8-year-old boy just because she is – as Judge Southwick put it – a“homosexual.”

People who do not differentiate between sex and parenting are applying their intellect and analytical skills to politics and not judgment, as Judge Southwick demonstrated. You squandered your responsibility as a senior member of the committee and as a human being by passing along this demonstrated bigot to the senate.

As I told you then and I tell you now, if you cannot keep the power that California voters have given you through long tenure, then we will be more than happy to take it back and invest in somebody else.


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