I got the first response from the Governor’s office today. It was on fancy stationery but they got my address wrong and it wasn’t signed – just a blank spot.
I assume this first thank-you was in response to my first letter, where I reference the February statement the Governor made about his plans to veto AB 43.
July 23, 2007
Dear Mr. Smith,
Thank you for writing to Governor Schwarzenegger regarding AB 43. The Governor appreciate you voicing your opinions on proposed legislation affecting our state.
Governor Schwarzenegger does not generally take a position on legislation until a bill has reached his desk, because it can change significantly from the time it is introduced to the time it is finalized. For the current session, the California Legislature has until September 14, 2007, to pass legislation and the Governor has until Octoboer 14, 2007, to sign or veto proposed bills.
You may continue to follow this and any other bill under consideration by lawmakers at the Official California Legislative WEbsite: www.leginfo.ca.gov. You may also read any legislative messages from the Governor at his website: www.governor.ca.gov.
Again, the Governor appreciates your interest in California’s future. An informed and engaged citizenry is important to effective government in our state.
Office of Constituent Affairs