By | June 15, 2009
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Dear Governor Schwarzenegger –

During the election, then-candidate Barack Obama said about the gays, “it is wrong to hold up a line from Leviticus [condemning gays] while forgetting the whole point of the Sermon on the Mount [where Jesus teaches you to treat your neighbor as you treat yourself.]”

Then on Friday, the Administration released a memo defending Don’t Ask Don’t Tell on the grounds that homosexuality is, among other falsehoods, equivalent to incest.

Well, I am not willing to forget the Sermon on the Mount either. If President Obama wants me to respect him, he needs to respect me. The minion in the DOJ who put out this release needs to loose ALL of her Federal benefits along with her job. The dodo in the White House Press Office who defended the memo needs to loose ALL of his Federal benefits along with his job. And Michelle needs to make Barack sleep on the couch until he demands congress provide comprehensive and indistinguishable equality in employment, taxation, social security and immigration to every American citizen.

I would love to contribute to the Democrats’ health care reform plan – but all my spare change is going to fix the lies Mr. Obama is spreading.


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