By | March 9, 2008
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Dear Governor Schwarzenegger –

I wrote to you before about the prime minister of Spain, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero and his courage in bringing same-sex marriage to Spain. You will be happy to know that, despite an all-out effort by the Roman Catholic Church, Zapatero was decisively reelected to a second term today.

How did he do it? Here’s what he said in his acceptance speech:

“The Spanish people have spoken clearly and decided to start a new era, I will govern with a firm but open hand . . . I will govern for all, but do so thinking most of all of those in need.” – March 9 2008

Here are some other quotes showing that his firm but open hand has a long history:

I will never understand those who proclaim love as the foundation of life, while denying so radically protection, understanding and affection to our neighbors, our friends, our relatives, our colleagues. What kind of love is this that excludes those who experience their sexuality in a different way? – May 11, 2005

It is time to bring to an end, once and for all, the intolerable discrimination still suffered by many Spaniards exclusively by virtue of their sexual preferences. Homosexuals and transsexuals deserve the same public consideration as heterosexuals and have the right to live freely the life that they themselves have chosen. – April 15, 2004

Governor, I wish I could be so happy with your political future. A firm and open hand only works when it is open to the people and closed to the Opponents of Equality. Don’t we deserve as much freedom from you as Zapatero brought Spain? Please don’t stop your support for California’s lesbian and gay people before you support their freedom to marry.


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