By | January 12, 2008
Spread the love

Dear Governor Schwarzenegger –

As you may know, I have been writing a letter to you every day for the past six months, first to ask you to sign AB 43, then to ask you to just support the freedom to marry – my freedom to marry.

Spending an hour a day thinking about this topic and combining lessons from history, current events and personal experiences has given me a unique perspective into the issue of same-sex marriage, and how it is now more important than ever for all good Americans to take a stand for individual freedom.

As an important but generally passive participant in this, I would like to ask you if you would write an introduction to my forthcoming hardcover book chronicling my letters and my journey?

The book will likely be titled “Dear Governor Schwarzenegger – A gay dad asks for the freedom to marry”

and published in Hardcover and Softcover through Lulu Press. You will, of course, receive a copy along with my enduring thanks.

I can provide a manuscript for you upon request, or you can read the letters chronologically at, or have them read to you at


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