By | July 25, 2010
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Dear Governor Schwarzenegger,

As a gay man in California, I am terrified of what will happen when the court issues its decision in Perry vs. you. I have a house, family, and two small children to protect, and tensions are running high. Regardless of what Judge Walker determines, when he announces his ruling, there will be some who lash out against their neighbors with physical violence.

It has already started. In response to the uptick in gay bashings this spring, LAPD Chief Charlie Beck explained that “the LAPD often notices a spike in gay-related hate crimes whenever Proposition 8 news makes major headlines.”

I have no doubt that those who would deny me my right to marry will not think twice about punching me in the face, running me down with their car, or setting my house on fire.

Governor Schwarzenegger, since you started this with your veto of AB 43, your neutral stance on Proposition 8, and tacit support of the hateful language in the Republican Party Platform, will you speak out now to help deflate this tension, and possibly save lives?

I wish you would voice your support of lesbian and gay Californians and their right to equal treatment under the law, and denounce those who deny freedom to others, especially the Opponents of Equality who operate through both quiet intimidation and overt physical violence.

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