Dear Governor Schwarzenegger –
I got a really nice note from a reader who saw my posting about The Book of Ruth and how Ruth’s relationship with Naomi inspired her like it inspired me.
You may recall that Ruth and Naomi promised to love and protect each other, “’till death do we part” and wound up having a son together.
“PhourQ” writes “I believe the story of Ruth and Naomi was an answer I received when praying about this issue. I’m glad others are seeing it too.”
That seemed so concise and spiritual that I needed to share. This is relevant to the governorship because it is evidence that there are many Californians who believe, as I do, that marriage is intended to unite two people for mutual joy, comfort in adversity and to raise children in the Church. Without pronouns!
“PhourQ” goes on to say “If people want to argue that the 10 commandments still stand in order to receive salvation, then it’s funny to see people try to wiggle homosexuality into the 10 commandments…it’s just not there.”
Governor, you do not have to advocate for same-sex marriage because of gay rights, you can advocate for same-sex marriage for religious freedom. The way I read our Constitution, you have to.