Category: Golden Rule

Today’s letter – the only fair and legal thing to do is to stop all marriages, and do to yourself what you would do to others

Dear Governor Schwarzenegger – What should we do in the aftermath of the Supreme Court ruling on Prop 8? You may recall that this amendment to our Constitution says that same-sex couples cannot get married in California. It does not say heterosexual…Read More »

Today’s letter – hate lost, now it’s time to do good

Dear Governor Schwarzenegger – As you know, the California Supreme Court has decided that same-sex marriages will proceed, consistent with its ruling and the State Constitution. In trying to convince the court to postpone the marriages until after a vote in November,…Read More »

Today’s letter – everybody knows that it is time

Dear Governor Schwarzenegger – A Field Poll of 1,052 registered California voters asked “Do you approve or disapprove of California allowing homosexuals to marry members of their own sex?” and for the first time since 1977 – when California’s law was changed…Read More »